Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Needle number two enters the scene . . .

. . . and it's a great pleasure to finally write to you all. I think Ms. Patrice has been doing a fabulous job keeping you guys entertained.  

I'm incredibly excited to be collaborating and sharing my daily design obsessions with my dear friend Patrice. I met Patrice in architecture school, in Detroit, MI, back in 2002. Instantly we clicked and began plotting how we can "take over" the design world ;). Silly, I know, but we both felt the need to work together and do something inspiring, like starting a lifestyle/design magazine nationwide, or participating in design competitions all over the world, or even opening up a small design firm in NYC ! It was all so much fun to discuss and day dream about... But as life does, it takes young and ambitious individuals on their destined path, she moved to Austin and I settled comfortably in NYC. 

However, we still kept in touch and discussed our design ambitions and professional careers that we were trying to maintain. But somehow a few complaints, here and there, would always creep up in a conversation. We were both frustrated with the lack of passion we had for our current career status and we were looking for something more. And so it began again… we started planning how to collaborate together while 1,700  miles apart…

"Two Needles in a Haystack" is where NYC meets Austin. Two young  and ambitious designers, living in two different cities; coming together to rebuild their passion for design - but don't get me wrong, we never really lost it, we just got distracted in other peoples goals and forgot that we too have our own goal… to take over the design world ;) (inside joke).

So we sincerely hope that our readers will find a little piece of inspiration here. After all, that is one of the reasons we've started this lovely blog. 

Much love, Mais

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Mais! So glad to have my partner in crime here with me :) xo patrice


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